
Time flows through the hourglass and we ask where did it go

21 May 2022 | Tags: The Self, Live at Your Peak | Share:

Time is an interesting experience. Flowing one way, like sand through the hourglass, only there’s no hand of a giant to turn the hourglass over and start again.

Time is an expense that we spend on things. And actually it's not even time, it’s our lives! Whenever we spend time on something, it’s where we’re spending our life. And with that suddenly the stakes get raised, suddenly things become more serious.

How and where we choose to spend our life becomes a very important consideration.

But then life, as in the act of living, takes over again. Reality of living in today’s VUCA world is that we often get sucked back into the grind, back on the proverbial hamster wheel.

When was the last time you’ve got off the wheel to ponder where you are going with your life and why?

Wouldn’t it be good to have a system that works for us every day of our lives, that helps align our activities with where we want our lives to go?
This is where the Personal Agility System or PAS for short comes in.
Personal agility means being able to adjust quickly to changing priorities, ideas or methods. But let's be honest. Maintaining a flexible attitude in the face of change is hard.

PAS developed by two agilists, Peter Stevens and Maria Matareli. The tools of Personal Agility enable you to understand your priorities, past, present and future, and manage and plan your activities. And it starts with questions like “What really matters to you? i.e., what do you believe your purpose is and what are the themes in your life that serve it?”

Their purpose is to get closer to the person you want to be and to make it easy to figure out what to do next.

If I made you curious, please feel free to have a closer look into the PAS.