
Reflective question "What would you do if money were no issue?"

03 September 2022 | Tags: The Self, Live at Your Peak | Share:

In my view to gain insight into the most authentic career wishes of oneself, it is often necessary, at least temporarily, to bypass the inner editor that always sees reasons why things cannot happen.

Might you recognize the following?
When we are asked to reveal our career wishes, an inner voice immediately reminds us of the reasons why this is a bad or unrealistic idea……

Very often, the reason is money. "I can’t earn enough money that way."

If we let these stop us from even considering what we want, motivational energy gets cut off at its source.

This is why I’m asking you this simple question 😊.

As I wish for you to tap into your true desires! Hoping it to be the important first step in the process of finding realistic options that align with the strengths and values reflected in your answer.

If you would like my help starting this exploratory journey around gaining more awareness about your character strengths, and in finding your true wants and needs please feel, free to reach out to me.